Monday, August 5, 2013

The Monster, Francis

Frank here is a great copyright free property and I have a few sketches of him to post later.
Hope you enjoy!
The fact that we see pencils, pens, and two colors for highlighter effect must mean this was in a class of some sort. also Points for you if you recognized the wrinkles as Dale Keown rip-offs!

By now I hope you know this stuff is for you to use. I ask that you let me know when and where you use these shots to satisfy my vanity and spread the word - if you are so inclined I can do omissions or other versions of the art you find on this site.

You can of course buy your own "Art Appreciation" via Pay Pal - in return you'll have a a warm sense of humanitarian goodness and my eternal gratitude. (And I'll have one more reason to keep posting here)

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