Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My Pinwheel: the beginning

 It's random I know, but I think it loosely fits in the requirements to be here. What? you don't know the requirements? Well please inquire and I shall inform you.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Dance Hulk!

I really don't know what's going on here.
Is he dancing? 
Is he laying down and the camera is on its side?
Maybe he just got hit in the back with a Heat-laser-kinetic beam blast-o-bust?

A Thoughtful Alien.

A pensive and ancient Alien - looks like a concept from the JW Creature Workshop.

More CARtoons!

Another Cute Car.
With a giant tailpipe, it must run on regular gas.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Ah, the old Haunt.

The generic haunted house. If they are all so similar why are they scary? It should be like going into any McDonald's in Glendale or Timbuktu... here is the creepy taxidermy, this is where the cobwebs block the hall, and the creepy old lady with sticks in her hair shows up right there next to the claw-footed bathtub.

True, this site is for my sketches but I thought I could occasionally put some nice finished work here from time to time.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

It's a matter of perspective.

It's not cold enough here.
Why am I fighting for this barren rock island that never freezes? Everyone knows that without the freeze the life of spring is stunted, held back by the leftover entanglements of last summer. Vitality needs a path!
The trees hardly grow here, the ones that do are no bigger than a proper man's thigh.
For the love of Sif, goddess of our earth, she only lets them burn the peat and moss that comes from the ground for warmth.
Who wants the sweltering, inhospitable rock? Leave it to the tattooed and blue-faced barbarians who run naked into battle and attack with weapon, fang and claw - indiscriminate and unfearing of their fate.
I will take the Fjord over the Moore anytime.

The Perfect Guard

Saurian with the patience of a stone. Their home world  with it's harsh climate developed some of the best hunters in the galaxy. Strong, lithe, flexible bodies with nearly 360 degrees of movement for the neck and spine. They have a heightened sense of their environment. Their skin can pickup on atmospheric changes, temperature and even inaudible "Noise". They make great bodyguards and are naturals at ambush techniques. Long ago, there was consideration that they might be pisonic - but now we know they are just very quiet, very sensitive and very patient.

Dragon Nap.

Time for a nap. Dragons are Cold Blooded of course. and most of their food intake is saved for muscle activity only. They don't need to keep their body warm with thermogenic burn like mammals. In fact, they can warm themselves when they need to with their breath, a combustible gas easily ignited by a spark generated from the flint and stone in their gizzards.
But for now, that last knight should hold him over for a few days...

for smashing.

Large fists for smashing. and very well developed legs for holding up those fists.

Beard. Braid.

I'm not sure what is going on with the hand down there but Hey! look at the braided beard!

Friday, May 2, 2014

The Clean before the Dirt

Two for the price of one.
There is dust and debris but the armor is clean and the weapon unsullied.
Not. For. Long.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy, Neck-Plated Dino...

I honestly have nothing to say here. He's pretty pleased with himself and I don't remember this meeting at all.
It appears to be penciled AND inked - so I must have been pretty pleased with it too. Weirdo.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Feathers, Filigree, and a Skull

A jawless skull illustrating the gagging and mistreatment of our dead society.
The skull is dripping with gore making the point our demise is still fresh. 
Is nothing sadder than a bird-less feather? Once a monarch of the limitless skies now just an artifact of freedom to be trampled by the myopic boots of fascism knowing only the cold constraints of the Earth.
Filigree sprouts, turns and spins it's way from the grotesque, offering signs of growth as the tendrils curve toward some unseen light, a new birth! ... or is it toward targets to spread more dystopia?
I went to art school, I can make any random doodle seem like a meaningful commentary piece.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A bit more Chrome on the shoulder

This guy really only expects to serve on the Right Flank.
I'm really not sure what else I can say here... I can't wait to see his helmet

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Naginata or Kwando?

0900hrs: Subject is assumed to be Ninja. Mask and flow-y bandanna thingies are a dead giveaway.
1015hrs: Subject appears to be wearing boots with heels, perhaps cowboy-ninja?
1700hrs: It was brought to our attention from the "Asian warrior stereo-types desk the weapon being used in this image appears to more of Chinese origin and should be considered a "Kwando" used by foot soldiers to dismount opposing forces - not a weapon of stealth as is usually associated with Ninja.
1715hrs: also brought to our attention the weapon in the image could be a Naginata. a weapon used by women while defending against of the last samurai castle seiges in the late 19th century.
that would explain the heels....

Hammer time

Drawing done during a class on project management
I've always favored the Hammer as a weapon.
No edge to hone constantly, multiple fighting surfaces, front back, sides, pommel. a deadly weapon that can be effective in non-lethal engagements. Blunt force still works through plate male while edges and arrows can slide off. and when all this fighting is done you can drag your weary ass back to your defended land and use this weapon of war to build that damn house you keep talking about.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

a new lease on life

Relearning how to walk is a small price to pay for breaking the shackles of mortality. I can move, affect, I CAN LIVE!
Poly-liquid metal frame. Micro-neumatic actuators. Gama-powered Quibit neural processors - this is going to be a good life...

Sunday, February 23, 2014

B.L.O.O.M. drive

If you need a lot of power for a long time, Nuke is the way to go, it's a bit dirty and there's a margin of error and not much of a way to fix a "flat" so to speak.
But you line that sucker up and put a shield between you and the loud part, you can go fast and longer than almost any other type of propulsion you can think of.
Of course you should only do that half of the way there - Silly thing like physics will want you to be spending the other half of your time slowing the beast down. to do that all you have to do is turn around.
Ever try to do a handbrake turn with a nuclear reaction going on in the trunk?

Long Haul Freighter

If you want to go a long distance you'll need a lot of support.
Nowhere more that space is the voyagers adage more true, "If you don't take it, you won't find it there."
Everyone thinks of water, food, radiation protection and general medical supplies. The thing most people forget is that people are a resource, you need them to fix, maintain, and problem solve. They put out heat and can even generate electricity in the right settings, put them to work on those long-haul rigs!

poor little engine

An engine! of course.
I'm not sure how the exhaust works - I suppose I was mostly interested in intake.

Space Yacht

Yachts are always the sexist, sleekest, and outright coolest things in space.
You'd like military to look this cool but you'll never get it when it's still built by the lowest bidder.
You know what else Yachts have? Speed.
This sweetheart is almost obscene the way it's built on a 6 port, Wagner bulwark-vented power-plant. If I didn't know better I'd think this was being set up to be a blockade runner, or at the very least a smugglers ship.
But no smuggler I know of can afford a bridge fitted with antique mahogany... Almost no smuggler I can think of anyway.

Hover PT craft.

Very loose sketch on a light duty patrol craft.

  • Crew:
    • 4-8 (pending boarding missions)
  • Underway:
    • No more than 3 days Nominal turn-around: under 24 hours
  • Mission type:
    • Scout, Police, Sentry
  • Performance:
    • 0G hover, +3GAccel
  • Drive:
    • Mag Lev (Manifold - see two large disks under main fuselage)

Not a Cute Star Wars Doodle

Not a cute Star Wars doodle! This is totally different because of the equine articulation on the locomotive limbs.I would consider this a "design improvement" pending approval from George.


Yeah this should work. How could it fail? It has 3 rotors!

The robot is in.

This is worse part about being shot.
No matter how many times it happens - I just get more and more worked up knowing the Corpsebot is tending to me.
(Of course I know the only reason I am here to complain about them is that they have patched me up so well, so often. I'ts not my fault I get shot!)
They look so clunky. They are SO loud. You can hear the hydraulics, the gears and even the nano-fibers contracting as they "Palpate" your body looking for secondary damage. They seem awkward and invasive but the truth is when they touch you it's the softest caress you can imagine. I don't think my own mother was as kind to me as a babe as a Corpsebot is after a gunshot wound.

the Back Yard

An architectural sketch of my back yard for before it looked like this, good job me!

Clothes make the man

If only she liked guys with tight shirts and baggy pants.
I wish I could find pants to fit, no, the heck with that. SHIRTS! I need shirts that fit - I look like I'm ready to go surfing. it's really making me self conscious. The only thing worse than all my shirts fitting like spandex is the girth of my neck.
Why do people think the thinker the neck the lower the IQ?
One day I will punch them.

Rwar! But wait...

He's not sure is he? He's mad, but unsure. Confused perhaps? While in a fit of rage the Hulk has come across a change that is unusual enough to give him pause. By far, this is the most contemplative he has been today, what could it be? What sort of thing pierces the fog of tantrum and perplexes our Lunk so?

Do cars have personality? What about cartoon cars?

 This is a Fast car, you can tell my how deformed it is. Low to the ground, so low the wheels bow out, "camber" to the gear heads. like a dog with it's ears back ready for a fight.... but these other cars...
These are friendly cars, they are just out to have fun.
sitting tall, hanging out, fast if they want but they rarely want that. After all, they're roadsters, they only look fast but if you've ever driven one you'll know they just want to cruise - the best type of "stop and smell the flowers" kind of ride there is.

The "Torc"

The "Torc" a simple piece of jewelry.
From Wikipedia: "A torc, also spelled torq or torque, is a large rigid or at least stiff neck ring in metal, made either as a single piece or from strands twisted together. The great majority are open at the front, although some had hook and ring closures and a fewmortice and tenon locking catches to close them. Many seem designed for near-permanent wear and would have been difficult to remove. Torcs are found in the ScythianIllyrian[1] ThracianCeltic, and other cultures of the European Iron Age from around the 8th century BC to the 3rd century AD. For the Iron Age Celts the gold torc seems to have been a key object, identifying the wearer as a person of high rank, and many of the finest works of ancient Celtic art are torcs. The Celtic torc disappears in the Migration Period, but during the Viking Age torc-style metal necklaces, now mainly in silver, came back into fashion.[2] Torc styles of neck-ring are found as part of the jewellery styles of various other cultures and periods."

Also ... It looks stupid when worn with a shirt...