Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy, Neck-Plated Dino...

I honestly have nothing to say here. He's pretty pleased with himself and I don't remember this meeting at all.
It appears to be penciled AND inked - so I must have been pretty pleased with it too. Weirdo.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Feathers, Filigree, and a Skull

A jawless skull illustrating the gagging and mistreatment of our dead society.
The skull is dripping with gore making the point our demise is still fresh. 
Is nothing sadder than a bird-less feather? Once a monarch of the limitless skies now just an artifact of freedom to be trampled by the myopic boots of fascism knowing only the cold constraints of the Earth.
Filigree sprouts, turns and spins it's way from the grotesque, offering signs of growth as the tendrils curve toward some unseen light, a new birth! ... or is it toward targets to spread more dystopia?
I went to art school, I can make any random doodle seem like a meaningful commentary piece.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A bit more Chrome on the shoulder

This guy really only expects to serve on the Right Flank.
I'm really not sure what else I can say here... I can't wait to see his helmet

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Naginata or Kwando?

0900hrs: Subject is assumed to be Ninja. Mask and flow-y bandanna thingies are a dead giveaway.
1015hrs: Subject appears to be wearing boots with heels, perhaps cowboy-ninja?
1700hrs: It was brought to our attention from the "Asian warrior stereo-types desk the weapon being used in this image appears to more of Chinese origin and should be considered a "Kwando" used by foot soldiers to dismount opposing forces - not a weapon of stealth as is usually associated with Ninja.
1715hrs: also brought to our attention the weapon in the image could be a Naginata. a weapon used by women while defending against of the last samurai castle seiges in the late 19th century.
that would explain the heels....

Hammer time

Drawing done during a class on project management
I've always favored the Hammer as a weapon.
No edge to hone constantly, multiple fighting surfaces, front back, sides, pommel. a deadly weapon that can be effective in non-lethal engagements. Blunt force still works through plate male while edges and arrows can slide off. and when all this fighting is done you can drag your weary ass back to your defended land and use this weapon of war to build that damn house you keep talking about.